Hi, I'm Yanik!
I LOVE creating and entertaining so much I made a career of it.
In the past decades, I’ve created countless characters, one-man shows, plays, stand-up routines, and short films. I also worked with many of Hollywood’s top actors and directors. By certain standards, you could say I was successful.
However, in 2017, anyone with a backstage pass could see that all was not well in Oz. Financial instability, physical illness, and spiritual depletion pushed me to the edge of my mental health. I could no longer act as if everything was alright. My mind was consumed by addictive behaviors, self-loathing, anxiety, depression, and even suicidal ideation.
Deep down, I felt responsible for the perpetuating “tortured-artist” narrative my life had become. I knew most of my misery was self-created; and if I could change my mental state, things would gradually get better.
I started meditating. I listened and paid attention. And things started to change...
That year, I went against all conventional wisdom and followed my heart. Cliche, I know. But in May of 2017, I took a big risk. I sold all my belongings and traveled to Europe to study with the world’s greatest thought leaders. There, I found an international tribe of conscious, generous, and loving people who were obviously living life on higher levels of energy. “I need me some of that,” I thought to myself and I have not looked back since.
Humans are sources of tremendous potential and as much as I have sought knowledge and wisdom from extrinsic forces, I am here to tell you…
“All the answers you will ever need come from within, you simply need clear access to them.”
By raising my awareness, I found deeper meaning and purpose and rekindled my love and passion for my artistic career.
As a Creative High-Performance Coach, I help actors get unstuck in their personal and professional lives by raising their levels of Clarity, Courage, Creativity, Energy, Influence, and Productivity.
As an entertainer, I discuss all things Creativity with fellow artists on my podcast, WEIRD WILD WONDER.
Want to know more about it?
Book a DISCOVERY CALL to find out more about WEIRD WILD WONDER.